Garmin ignored an UI bug reported during beta, and now it's in the stable release, why Garmin?

Garmin introduced in the last Beta release a graphical bug in the Graphical Speed data field.

See the most top field. At speeds more then 9.9 kph the  "kmh" text overlaps with "avg" and "max" texts

The bug was reported, but was overseen or ignored by Garmin. So now it landed in the stable release.

  • We of course do our best to catch all bugs and reports during the beta cycle, but for a variety of reasons this is not always possible. We apologize that this made it to the public release. 

    This is escalated internally and I will update the thread here when a response or solution is available. Thank you for your patience in the meantime. 

  • Thank you for posting this.  I didn't realise this field was available and even with the bug it's better than my current layout! 

    my suggestion for improving the layout would be to move the kmh to the left, under the icon. Garmin could also make the AVG and MAX lettering smaller, which would allow the numbers (which are more important) to be larger. 

  • What purpose does the icon serve?

  • Since your answer there were two firmware releases, one public and a new Beta 26.07 released today. Both of the releases still have the bug!

  • You are correct, and I apologize this was not addressed in the first round of the public beta. I cannot guarantee what release this will be in, but this is still escalated internally and being looked into. When this is addressed I will update this thread as I stated above, and there will be a change log line that calls this out. 

    The other two public releases you referenced will meant only to address situations where customers were getting stuck in a bad state regarding the last public release, and would be stuck in between update versions. There were no other changes made, and I apologize if the change logs were not clear on that point.