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No intensity minutes for activity

Hello everybody, I got an edge 840 and after today's workout (indoor zwift session) there were no intensity minutes count showing on the activity report. 

At first, I thought it was because of the 24.19 update, but it seems like my last workout was already on 24.19 and intensity minutes were working correctly.

Everything else is correctly sync with connect, training effect, active calories, recovery time etc... worth noting that my activity HR is missing on the daily HR glance while it's tracked and recorded correctly on the activity summary.

  • There is a problem with the way Zwift creates the FIT file. They've acknowledged the issue and are working to resolve it. 

  • But I didn't import the workout from zwift, I only recorded it on the edge so the bug shouldn't play a role here? 

    Also it was working correctly one week ago

  • Adding to this.  Recording a ride on a Tacx with the 840 and no intensity minutes being credited.  Wearing both my Epix watch, HRM and using/recording on the 840.... nothing.

  • Adding because I’m also having this issue using an Edge 530 to record a Zwift activity (also missing HR for the activity in the HR daily summary). 

  • This could be a work around...

    I've found success with getting Intensity Minutes on 3rd party apps and unsupported trainers by broadcasting my HR from my Fenix 8.  My set up:

    App: Rouvy on iPad
    Trainer: Schwinn IC4, this reports cadence and power to Rouvy
    Watch: Fenix 8
    Heart Rate: HRM-Pro Plus, this reports my HR to Rouvy

    My HRM broadcasts Bluetooth to my iPad and HR displays correctly in Rouvy. I record the ride in Rouvy and simply tell my watch to broadcast Heart Rate (to nothing). Intensity Minutes record fine. Even if I don't sync the workout.  I do then sync the Rouvy ride to Garmin via RunGap.

    However, in Connect you cannot verify the source of the Intensity Minutes.  I have tested by using my HRM with Rouvy and not broadcasting my HR of the Fenix and I don't think it worked.  Or there was a longer than 10minute lag in reporting the minutes by the HRM as described in its documentation. 

  • I've given up on using my head unit (840) on my Tacx/Zwift setup.  Now I just record it on my Epix as an Indoor Cycling event and that is the end of it.  Intensity minutes are preserved (I do use a HR strap) on Garmin Connect.  I don't even link Zwift to Garmin Connect anymore. There will be some discrepancies between the Garmin Indoor Cycling event and what Zwift records but I consider it inconsequential. If I am doing a training plan/event on Zwift, the data is recorded on the watch and shows power/time/HR or whatever metric I am interested in with little difference to what is on Zwift. The superfluous event I have to delete in Strava is cost of doing business since Real World (tm) rides via my Garmin 840 also have to follow this path if I want them on Strava.  And Strava is maybe doomed to irrelevance considering their API changes.  Strava is becoming a data end point versus data nexus (different topic of course).

    So, in summary, for an indoor ride on Zwift:

    Indoor Ride on Tacx/Zwift -> Garmin watch based event (Indoor Cycling) -> Sync to Garmin Connect (Indoor Cycling) -> Sync to TrainingPeaks for analysis/collaboration/intensity minutes (what's important for me)

    Indoor Ride on Tacx/Zwift -> Garmin watch based event (Indoor Cycling) -> Sync to Garmin Connect (Indoor Cycling) -> Sync to Strava, immediately delete (Indoor Cycling) on Strava (what's not important to me)

    Indoor Ride on Tacx/Zwift -> Zwift uploads to Strava  -> Make visible to others after edits and amusing anecdote about dog chasing me on my trainer, receive kudos, community, bragging rights, sharing, etc. (what matters to the ego)