Just a simple lap, start and stop. Is it possible?

When I hit a hill for exemple, I would like to start a lap that tells me the lap information such as time, average power, etc. So, if I need to do that hill in 5 minutes at 300w, I have the information. When I'm finished, I can either save the lap data or delete it, then I return to my normal ride information or screen.

Is this possible with my Garmin Edge 840?

At the moment, to do this, I need to stop and save my ride information and start a new one just for that hill. Pretty annoying.

  • there is a "lap summary" configurable page (could be enabled/disabled in the activity profile), where you can set the 4 datafields max what you wanna see like last lap avgpwr, last lap NP, last lap avgHR, last lap avgSPD for example. the duration is always there below in a short list with the selected avg and lap number.