Fit files not always saved on Garmin Edge 840 SW 20.19

Lately when I save a ride the fit file does not always get saved to the Activities directory on the device, nor does it show up on the "Last Ride" widget and it is not synced to garmin connect. The fit file is correctly recorded however and is available in the TempFIT directory on the device from where I can manually upload it directly to Garmin Connect or other services. So there is no corruption or anything, there is just something in the save process going wrong.

I have tried to cleanup older activities in the Activities directory but that didn't stop this issue from occurring.

I'm confident that I save the ride correctly and I have a feeling it mostly happens to longer rides. It also seems that it started ocurring right after upgrading to SW 20.19. Is anyone else having this issue, or even better, is there a fix for this?

  • I got a similar issue on 20.19, but it's when 840 solar ran out of battery. The .fit file was automatically saved in the previous Edges and would be synced after charging. However, yesterday I forgot to charge and the file was not shown in the history on the head unit. I connected 840 to PC, and found the file was saved in the "activity" folder, but 840 just refused to show it and sync to Connect. I tried manually uploading it via website, the the website refused it, showing "there is some issue, please contact Garmin" blabla. 

    I had to upload the file to Stava (no issue here), then downloaded it as GPX, and finally the GPX can be uploaded to website.

  • I cannot get any .fit files to save through Garmin Express to my device.  And on my Garmin Edge 840 device, if I open the Activities folder on a computer, it is empty.  On the device itself, the History shows the ride summary, but if I click on it, I get an error message that states "Failure to load ride details".  The data appears to have been saved to Strava and Garmin Connect, however.

  • I have the problem. My Garmin Edge 840 software version: 21.16 today, saved... but I don't see on the list my activity. I found .fit file in TempFit (connected by compjuter)... But... when I will be on different country without my computer, how I can send this file to my phone or strava? 

    And... this is my first activity on this software version.... only 90 km. :( 

    One year ago i moved from Wahoo to Garmin.... On Wahoo everything works correctly... everthing! Here... only problems... :( I think tim eto move back and buy Bolt v2... 

    Garmin do you have any testers in your company? If yes... change it! If no.. hire... 

  • I had a similar issue with the previous software version. After the ride, I clicked the save button on the device, but the device crashed and didn't save my activity. I thought it was just a random crash, so I ignored it.

    But yesterday, I had a similar problem on version 21.16. I saved my activity and was waiting to sync with my phone to check my ride on Strava. I had the feeling that the process was too long, so I checked the activities list on the Garmin. It turned out that my activity wasn't saved. I am sure that I clicked the save activity button properly.

    I have been using the Edge 840 for 3 months now, and twice I have been tricked by my Garmin and lost my activities (each longer than 4 hours). That is terrible. I never had issues like this with my previous Bolt. Even when the device crashed, the Bolt was able to recover the activity. I hope this issue will be fixed soon. Activity saving is a crucial feature of a cycling computer. So far I am very disappointed with the quality of Garmin software.

  • I have 21.17. Same issue on my device. I must manually sync fit file from TEMP directory.

    The problem was reported 2 months ago. In the meantime, there were several beta and stable releases. Does anyone from garmin even read this forum?

    I'm starting to think seriously about devices like igpsport or possibly wahoo.

  • I had this today with my 1040 with firmware 21.17.

    After finishing the ride, it would not sync over Wifi, the Edge showed "connecting" as the status in the Wifi settings. I powered off the device at which point it got stuck with a power icon on the screen. After a while I powered it off by holding the power button.

    After a reboot, it failed to load the last ride on the home screen, it kept showing a spinner. In the history, I could still see the summary of the ride. It was able to connect to Wifi but apparently had some other problem syncing, the activity did not upload. I connected it to Garmin Express and synced. No activity was uploaded. There only file in the TempFIT folder was CptActv.bin.bin with 0 bytes size, there was also no matching fit file in NewFiles. I checked if the history still shows the ride and it didn't. It's gone.

    I have more than 10 years of history in Garmin Connect, but I don't think I'll buy another Edge. Completely unacceptable.

  • Just had another .fit file in the temp directory not load to my activites. Running 21.17 on an edge 840.

  • For me this issue has been fixed for quite some time now. What I also did besides upgrading is clean up all old activities and courses from the device, maybe this helpend to as I understand there is some limit on this.

  • Same thing happened to me 2 days ago. Edge 840 Solar on 21.18.

    It never happened before, and it hasn't happened later yet.

    I was able to save the activity and see it correctly on the widget. However, Connect iOS app couldn't see it, even if sync with the Edge was completing successfully. I then switched off and on the Edge, and after reboot the activity was gone, disappeared from the History and from the widget.

    Luckily, today I managed to restore the .FIT file copying from the TempFIT to the Activity directory, then everything synced up correctly.

    Garmin Italian support could not help (they said it is a problem during file save)

    This seems to be a problem affecting many people in the community, the main purpose to buy an Edge should be reliability, losing the Activity can't be an option! It never happened in almost 20 years of Garmin devices...

    Please solve this, so I will but the 1050 without worries!

  • Same here on 21.18. The device crashed while synchronizing. I managed to recover the data from the activities folder and the temp folder, combine the two files using FitTools and upload it to connect. But still very annoyed since this never happened with my 830. Temped to return the device, tbh.