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Feature Request: Assigning different bikes (gear) to different activity profiles. MTB, Gravel, Road, etc.

I have an Edge 840 and would love to be able to assign different bikes to different activity profiles. MTB, Gravel, Road, etc. Quite frustrating that my default bike gets assigned to rides I take on a different bike. Total pain to change the rides to a different bike. Is there any chance Garmin could add this?!

  • I couldn’t agree more, I actually don’t use Garmin Connect for anything other than assisting the Edge 840 upload to Garmin Connect, and then send the data to Strava, where your bike profiles work properly, and you get the correct bike assigned to the ride.

    Garmin takes their customers for granted, Strava works as expected. 

  • unfortunately, this is many years old request, so I don’t believe garmin engineers can do it

  • I am still hopeful that Garmin will listen to their users needs. Hopefully while I am still a customer!

  • Yep.  As a workaround  I choose and manually associate an activity type with the activity in GC.  There are 15 cycling activity types to choose among.  e.g.  I don't do BMX so associate that type with one of my MTBs.   I don't do track cycling, so associate that activity type with my of my road bikes.  etc.   Then, I can go to REPORTS,  PROGRESS SUMMARY, and select that activity type to get totals for that bike including number of rides, total distance, total time, avg speed,

  • I still wonder if Garmin engeneers use their own software and if they are satisfied with their work.

    I really cant understand, why we are still forced to change gear everytime after uploading activity. 

    Why for so many years we cant have so basic features like assigning certain gear to certain activity? And more - why we cant pair certain gear accesories (like tyres, chain etc.) with certain bikes?

    Why are you not willing to make our life easier? 

  • I often wondered the same thing since getting my first Edge in 2010.   Do these guys actually ride?   It's continued with each new Edge I got and each subsequent firmware release. 

    It's not just that.  Even if none of the managers or engineers ride bikes, there seems to be a major lack of quality in the specification, implementation, verification and validation of the products.

  • So many people ask for this, thread after thread of it, it's an OBVIOUS feature to have regardless of the Edge model. It seems simple to do, and yet they don't do it? WHY?

    I've an MTB, a road bike and a gravel. I have a profile for each. I don't use bike shoes for the MTB.

    But after every ride that's not "default", I have to remember to manually go and change the gear around. It's the sort of things computers are ideal to automate, it'd be easy to code up, but they make you manually have to mess around. Frustrating!

  • There is a partial solution if you use Strava more tan GC. Garmin device saves the sensors used during activity and there is third party app that can   download this data from GC and use it to set the proper bike in Strava. There is no API to fix in Garmin Connect ofc and they will not do this by themselefs though it's like 5 lines of code to choose proper bike based on this bikes sensors which is probably even better than fixing bike to ride type.