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Virtual partner problems

I found three problems with the Edge840's virtual partner function.
Please let me know if there is a way to resolve these issues.

  1. Cannot turn off the function
    I can't find a setting item to turn off virtual partner on Edge840.
    Is there a way to turn it off?

  2. The average speed set in the course creation function is not reflected
    In Garmin Connect's course creation function, there is an item that set the speed of virtual partner.
    Even though I set 10kph in this item, Edge840's virtual partner runs at 20kph.
    When transferring the same course to Edge530, the virtual partner moved correctly at 10kph.

    Edge840's virtual partner is set with a mysterious value called "effort".
    It appears that the "effort" value takes priority and the speed set in Garmin Connect is ignored.

  3. Behavior is strange when GPS radio waves are lost and restored
    When Edge840 loses GPS signal and returns, a virtual partner will appear at my current location on map.
    Japan, where I live, has many tunnels, and GPS signals are often lost.
    Even if GPS signals are lost, I want the virtual partner to move along the route at a specified speed.