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Edge 840 Solar Software issue with 18.23

My Garmin Edge 840 Solar recently upgraded itself to 18.23, not sure when it was released by the upgrade happened on September 9 for my device. Since then, when the device starts, following the loading screen, it will restart itself and keep going back to the main boot screen (i.e., Garmin logo with battery status, loading the routes, etc). I need to press a button or start a route for it to not 'loop back to the boot routine.'

Has anyone else had this problem?

  • same thing here... ever since 18.21b update, i've been constant crashes / reboots / freezes on 840, including the latest 18.23.  2 days ago the Garmin completely froze for 16 minutes during a long race.   Holding down power button for 20-30 seconds did absolutely nothing to reboot it.  Then it magically shutdown and rebooted on its own after 15 minutest.  This is absolutely not acceptable.