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Edge 840 - 18.23 update - Rides NOT syncing to phone

Hi everyone,

It seems to me taht after new update the rides are not synced in mobile app, they are on edge device but not in garmin connect. When I want to upload a track from mobile to edge it is OK. The edge is visible and conected in the app and in the device, so i dont think it is a bad bluetooth connection.

Does anyone has the same problem?


  • Intermittently, yes, I've had this issue. It's weird: after my ride today, it sync'd fine.

    A few days ago, nada - I had to restart the Edge, after which is sync'd quickly.

    I vaguely recall some reports of it being WiFi related - if your phone is on WiFi, it syncs fine but it's more likely to fail without a restart when using mobile data. (which tracks with my experience - I also log indoor rides and it gets those immediately)

    On the plus side, the ride will be saved on the Edge and will sync after a restart. Annoying, but it gets it done.

  • Yes, I have this issue too.  My Edge 530 used to sync right away, the 840 eventually does, but annoying when you want to look at stats right away.