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Strava Live Segments not Popping Up

I've had my Edge 840 for a few weeks now and I am a paid Strava subscriber.  I have never had a strava segment pop up in real time on my 840.  I can see on the map that I can coming up on one and they all seem to sync successfully as I can see them all listed under the training section. However, the live segment page never pops up for me like climb pro does.  

However, I did a factory reset on my device and just went with the default data pages & settings and drove around in my car to test some segments and they did pop up!  I was like, great!, then I went to connect/sync to my phone and re-do all my data pages it then stopped working again.  

Has anyone had this issue before?  I swear I have all my segments enabled with live feedback turned on.  Under activity profiles ROAD segments is turned on.  Under data screens the segment page says "When Segment Active", "Show Scree is on" & "Pop-up on segment approach" is on.  I have no idea why they don't pop up.  It's so frustrating.  Anyone have anything I can try without doing another factory reset?

  • If you click on "training", is there "Strava Live Segments" and are they Enabled?

  • Yes, they are.  And just to update I drove around in my car again this afternoon and did another device reset.  Once I did this they started to work again as I drove around.  I then incrementally re-sync'd it with my phone and then added other data pages.  It still worked so I might be OK now.  This time, however, I did not edit the map page.  Maybe editing the map page and changing the layout/metrics breaks it?  Cause I did notice that when I came up on a segment (in my car) that was both a climb and a segment it had 2 green buttons at the bottom that both said "Go".  I've never seen that before.  

    Anyway, I have more testing to do but I'm afraid to change much else.

  • I had similar problem with the recalculation of the track... I did a factory default and I edited the profiles from scratch. I suppose there are errors importing profiles from older devices (in my case from 530 to 840). Dince I edited profile from scratch I had no problem for the moment.

  • So, I figured out what is causing the issue but I don't know how to fix it.  I get all my strava segment popups on my garmin 840 if I'm just free riding around.  However, once I load a route and they no longer show up.  What could I be missing here?  I'm using the same activity profile but if I'm following a  route I don't get any live segments.  So frustrating.

  • Hi, try this into Strava website: (sorry if some translation don`t mach, I have Strava in Spanish)

    - Control Panel

    - My segments

    - Popular Strava segments on your Garmin

    - Check if are "activate" or "ON"