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Bug report: Track course color - Can't set high contrast one

In the Course menu - you can choose the line color for the track on the map:

Unfortunately you can't choose the more vivid, contrast color. Garmin always sets the darker one which is barely visible on the map screen... I tried switching screen color mode - Day/Night but it doesn't change the line color either...

So so annoying - especially when you just use the option 'Always show' course on the map screen and want to follow the track.

Here is an example - instead of this dark red color i would like to set high contrast red but I can't....

  • Each of the circles show halves in different (but similar) colors.

    There are two “reddish” circles.

    Is your issue choosing a circle or choosing a half within a particular circle?


    The halves indicate colors for two different purposes: the darker is used for the track line (1) and the lighter for the (secondary) calculated route line (2). You can’t chose which of the two is used for these purposes (thus is not a bug).

    These colors are for the course being actively used for navigation. (The active course can be one of these two lines or both of them.)

    The color setting for “always show” is somewhere else and it can be some other color (a different color would let you distinguish it from the active course).

  • I simply want to use  'Always show' feature for a course and show the track line on the map with lighter, more vivid colour. In course properties i can choose the colour but it is always set to the dark one.  I would like to choose the second colour of the halve.  Is it possible? Where to set the colour for 'always show' ?

    I am not talking about navigation and choosing the line colour for the route when navigating. I am not using navigation mode.

  • Again, are you trying to select one of halves (the right half)?


    You can only pick a circle.  The device then picks whatever of the two colors it uses (I pointed out what it does earlier).

    It will likely pick the darker of the two for the track. You can't change that (and it's not a bug).

    The "always show" option is in the settings for a specific track (where you can change the name of the course). You need to be able to set this on a track-by-track basis because you (prob!) don't want all your tracks displayed.

  • Yes I tried choosing either of the halves but I realised it is not possible - of course in the settings for the specific track. Well ok.. now it is clear it is impossible to choose different - meaning lighter one of the two halves.. That's what I am missing , in my previous Edge 820 , there was only one colour for the track line in course settings and it was the lighter = more visible one. Here it is impossible thus the course on the map is barely visible - at least for me....

  • Garmin uses the darker of the two for the track. It reserves the light of the two for the secondary calculated route (whether or not you are using it!).

  • Secondary calculated route - what do you mean? Do i need to start navigation with a chosen course to see it with different/lighter colour?

  • Do i need to start navigation with a chosen course to see it with different/lighter colour?


    As I've said a few times already, Garmin uses the darker color for the track.

    Secondary calculated route - what do you mean?

    When you use navigation, there are two modes: (1) track following and (2) "turn guidance". You can use one or the other or both together.

    With "turn guidance", the device calculates a second route that (tries to) follow your track (the data in the course file). The device uses the darker color for the track and the lighter color for this secondary track. Usually, these two lines follow the same path but not always.

    That's what I am missing , in my previous Edge 820 , there was only one colour for the track line in course settings and it was the lighter

    Your 820 was missing the option for selecting colors for active navigation (it just used magenta).

    Garmin added being able to change the color for active navigation. To keep things consistent (and, potentially, less confusing). it uses the same color selection screen for navigation and "always show".

    I suspect many more people use navigation than the "always show" option. A fair number of people have been asking for years for color options for navigation.