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simple Feature Request: assign a bike to each activity profile

I know that there are similar feature requests (identify gear via connected sensors), but I do not want to overcomplicate things:

Please Garmin, please make it straight forward and allow each activity profile to have a bike permanently assigned to it. This woud make my life so much easier and the implementation is really simple. I really want to have an overview how much each of my bikes has been used and it REALLY is so annoying to change the used bike via garmin connect after each and every ride. Often I simply forget to change the gear so I have to guess when I had used which bike after I had remembered that I forgot to change the gear after the ride.

As an alternative it also would be possible to simply add a prompt after the activity has been stopped, that is asking which bike has been used - just like the prompts asking how much you have been drinking.

I am writing this request today since I just realized that after years of complaints you FINALLY DID add the possibility to add more than two Datafields on the Map page in the latest Beta-Firmware. So I have new hope thay maybe you could add this small feature that I would SO LOVE to have.

Thank you!

  • That would be a good idea, saves me having to change the default profile of the bike in Garmin Connect before a ride. 

  • We've been asking for this for years, possibly decades. I don't think it's going to happen but you can make the suggestion via Garmin's official channel:

    The thing is, it shouldn't be limited to bikes - rather any item tagged as "gear" (bike, shoe, or "other") should be taggable for any activity type. The reason I suspect it won't happen is the underlying code/infrastructure Garmin Connect was built on, something like 20 years ago. It started as "swim/bike/run/walk" and that's it. All the other stuff is layered on top of those so "gravel cycling" gets the same treatment as "road cycling."

    Believe me, I want this badly. I'd tag all sorts of stuff for specific sub-types to better track service life of components without having to manually edit activities after the fact.