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Unified Training Status / Physio Trueup doesn't work peroperly on Edge 840 if recovery is delayed by stress - the recovery hours do not update.

Let's say I do a cycling activity that gives me 10 hours of recovery time. Garmin Edge 840 says recovery 10 hours, Forerunner 255 says recovery 10 hours, all good.  

However, 8 hours later, due to high stress, I have a recovery time of 4 hours and not 2 hours. This is indicated by the watch. However, the Edge 840 does not take over this new number and still thinks there's only 2 hours of recovery left. There is literally no way to update this number despite syncing multiple times, and now starting a new cycling activity means the watch will take over the calculated recovery hours from the edge (which means the recovery hours gets progressively more wrong unless I take a couple of days to let the number sit at zero hours for a whole day). I've had instances where I've gone from the watch showing 20 hours recovery to it showing 18 hours recovery after the activity because the Edge 840 didn't take over the delayed recovery numbers properly. 

I don't know if this is already a bug, but this really needs to be fixed for recovery hours to make sense. 

Thank you! Slight smile

  • Yeah, I’m having a similar issue.  I was giving the adapted training a bash following on from DC Rainmakers YT vid. He mentions that, sleep, high stress from wearables influence what the daily workout will be.  This is something active on my Fenix 6x.  But the 840 refuses to give a good balance.  On a high stress day, recovery goes up on the f6x and the workout may change from planned tempo to light or even rest.  On the 840, it’s asking me to do vo2 Face palm‍♂️

    I’ve messed with primary training and wearable, alas can’t figure it out.  Very little in advice or information.  You really want the wearable to be version of truth, and when the cycling computer is turned on, it recognises the daily stress, sleep, BB etc and increase/decrease recovery and modify workout suggestion if necessary