In previous versions it was possible to add for example HR or cadence. Now the workout screen shows only the step and Watts. Can you kindly address this in next firmware?
In previous versions it was possible to add for example HR or cadence. Now the workout screen shows only the step and Watts. Can you kindly address this in next firmware?
It is the workout that can control the average power duration. If the workout defines using 10 second average power then that is what the workout will show. If it is 1 second then it will change it to 3 second.
I have never been able to chance the content of the two empthy fields buttom of the workout screen. Eiether on the screen or the app. I am on the latest beta still not working
Find out solution in Edge 1040 forum.
Just in case anyone hasn't spotted.
For some reason the stock Activity Profile doesn't show the bottom two fields in the workout screen.
Just add a new Activity Profile and it works fine. Delete the original