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bug: Basecamp 4.7.5 don't open maps avaliable on the edge 840

Former Member
Former Member

Hello Garmin,

I use newest Basecamp 4.7.5 and when try use maps available on the edge 840 below message appear

'an error occured when attempting to use the Garmin Cycle Map EU 2022.11 West Map Product'

When I switch device to the edge 830 which use exactly the same map version everything works fine



  • 5 months later and this is still an issue.  I can't use any of the maps loaded on my 840 with Basecamp.  Works fine with my 830 and all map capable watches.

    I had a similar issue with my f7 months ago that was eventually remedied; I think with a Basecamp update.

  • You can try the following:
    Download the program JaVaWa JDM (JaVaWa Device manager) from & install.
    Connect the Edge to the PC (USB), run the program, then choose 'Manage Maps' and see all installed maps on the device. Select the Garmin Cycle Map EU 2022.11 West map and use the "Visible in BC" button in the top menu row to make the map visible in BC.
    Normally the different Garmin Cycle maps should be visible in BC though...