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No indication or ability to cancel an Incident on the display

Had a minor crash and a very loud alarm started on my phone.  There was no indication on the 840 that an Incident had been detected and no way to cancel it.   I had to quickly dig out my phone, whip off my glove so I could operated it, and cancel the Incident there.  I just made it before an emergency message went out.  The manual says,

"When an incident is detected by your Edge device ....  a message appears on your device and paired phone indicating your contacts will be informed after 30 seconds have elapsed."


"When an incident is detected by your device, you can cancel the automated emergency message on your device or your paired phone before it is sent to your emergency contacts.  Before the end of the 30-second countdown, hold Hold to Cancel."

There was no message on the 840 and no means of cancelling it on the 840.  This clearly a bug and a problem.

Recording a ride.  Not Navigating. HRM, PM, and Speed sensor.  Was on the single data page I have set up for that Activity Profile.