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ClimbPro post-climb notification

First ride with the 840, and one thing was really irritated the living daylights out of me... the half a national anthem they play after every climbpro climb!

Is there a way to disable the notification that you have finished a climb? Or maybe even just change it to a more normal single beep? Doing a 200k gravel race over the weekend and if this unit does not want to be thrown into the bushes, I'd rather turn off all notifications. ("Flat" does not describe that ride quite accurately.)

I forgot to turn on auto before the first ride lap, so I'm hoping that this is not the default alert tune - otherwise I'll turn off notification anyways! 

Other than that, very good first impressions! More readable than the 530, it at least tracks elevation properly and does not sporadically reboot.

  • Yeah but it's clunky and it will play its little tootle tune before the actual summit, after the actual summit, or it seems at any random location of its choosing anyway. I don't mind people liking this but I REALLY want the option to turn it off

    And while I'm here - also to turn on "return to the last screen I was on, not screen 1" after a climb

  • That's all I'm pushing for as well, an option to turn it off. The original request was for an option for silence or a beep. It got pushed through to the beta software as being disabled, which isn't a sensible option. 

    Being able to choose what notification types you get on a £400+ device in 2023 shouldn't really be a contentious issue, but there you go!!

  • able to choose what notification types you get

    Exactly, it's not exactly rocket surgery. Personally I need certain audible beeps (e.g., navigation cues, route warnings, etc.), but I neither need nor want audible SMS/phone alerts (the on-screen message is enough for me).

  • Yesterday I did a ride with the 18.20 beta, the annoying fanfare seems to have migrated to the finish a course and also beating the VP so as a bonus you get two rounds of it. Just in case I imagined it I will test again with the 18.21 beta which dropped just after my earlier test but won’t be happy if this is it

  • Yep, granular options for notification tone choice. There's plenty enough memory on the unit to provide this, it shouldn't be all or nothing approach.

  • Granular is the way. 

  • Well Garmin, you did it. Stand by for lots of questions from users who don't routinely hang around forums asking why their expensive bike computer has had features removed rather than modified. 

    The original poster asked for an option and you guys disabled it for everyone. 

    Please. Options. Please. 

  • Just to add my words of thanks.

    Rode a very hilly race over the weekend and it was blissful not to hear that fanfare at every hill! I - and the people around me! - am very appreciative for this. (Esp the times where it chimes and you still have a lot to go on the climb - but that's an entirely different issue.)

    Thanks guys - appreciate this!

  • My wife liked the melody.  Maybe an option would be good.

  • It moved, now plays when you finish a course and as a bonus you get it again if you beat the virtual partner, how good is that, I now don’t need all those sensor dropouts fixed as I am too busy listening to the melody