I saw a good explanation of ClimbPro and how it calculates climbs at https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/cycling/f/edge-830/168010/understanding-climbpro-on-the-edge---updated-for-build-5-50.
This was good to read and went a long way to explaining why some of the "climbs" it identifies seem so wrong when compared to real-world topology, but also helped me see that in some situations it would be useful. The thing that still annoys me though is that it will apparently take over the Time to Destination and ETA at Destination data fields during a climb. This is really annoying to me, because the top of the climb is usually in a forest somewhere that has no closing time, while the end of my ride is usually a hamburger shop that closes at a specific time, and it's much more useful to know if I will be able to get food or not! Does anyone know how to turn that particular feature off?