How to synchronize a ride which just won't transfer (Edge 820) but is saved and visible in History on device?

Yesterday I completed a ride just as Edge 820 was running out of power.  I hit Stop, then Save.  Device indicated the ride was saved, then a second later it ran out of power and shut down hard.  I recharged the device, it woke up fine and went through the usual "Serching...Transferring, etc." but the ride did not appear in my Garmin Connect.

Today, I completed another ride, that transferred fine to Garmin Connect, but the file from yesterday again did not transfer.  I can see the file exists in the memory of the device in Settings->History.  However, unlike other rides/files in History. yesterday's ride/file when I try to select it, it can not be opened.

How can this file be recovered and transferred to Garming Connect so that I can see it on the website or phone app?

I already did a Edge synchronization through the Garmin Express program on my PC by USB cable, but that did not transfer the file.

Thanks for any help or advice.