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garmin folder empty

All of a sudden when I connect my Garmin 830 to my MAC using the same cable I've always used, the Garmin folder shows empty. I know it's not, because the device works. But I have to move some files and would like to be able to.

  • The whole Garmin Folder or just the activity files?
    Few weeks ago Garmin Express (?) deleted activity files (Edge 830) from a whole recent week while synchronizing. Very strange! Luckily I only lost the last file because I always copy (after synchronizing) the activity to my Mac. Since I always copy the files to my Mac before synchronizing so I can upload the fit-file manually to Garmin Connect if something went wrong...
    But since months I got a sync error message now and than… (garmin-express-sync-error-mac)

  • Completely empty. Nothing shows at all. 

  • did you check in disk utility if their is any diskspace used? maybe all files/folders invisible by accident? funter allows to view invisible files.

  • FIXED IT. I had seen a post that said it could happen if you used different maps. I use open source maps and remove a few of Garmin's native maps to make room. I had removed 4 files. They come in pairs... an .img file and a .unl file. I put the smaller file sized pair back in and everything immediately reappeared.

    It's weird because I've done this for YEARS and never had the problem before. I'll keep playing with it. 

  • I had exactly the same problem. What helped me was running Disk Utility and performing First Aid on the GARMIN disk. Now everything is as it should be. In my case, it’s the Edge Explore 2, but it’s clearly the same problem.