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edge 830 sensors

when I add a speed or cadence sensor to one bike profile, it's added to the other bike profiles.

  • That's the way it is supposed to work. Sensors are not profile specific.

  • Well, that is to say, this is the way Garmin decided to implement their software. Personally, I would prefer that sensors are linked to a profile. That would e.g. have the advantage that the speed sensor's circumference settings depend on the profile, i.e. if you move that sensor over to a different wheel, that corresponds to a different profile, you don't have to change the sensor settings. To obtain such a behaviour now, you'd need to have a speed sensor for each wheel - a good business for Garmin. Maybe that played a role in their design decision.

    Changing their design a posteriori would certainly be a lot of work, so it won't happen, not even for the newer devices (also considering their commercial interest in selling more speed sensors).

  • You can always use the auto calibrate feature and not have to change any settings. Not quite as accurate as the measuring method but very close. I would think that there are very few people moving the wheel sensor to different wheels.

  • I use 2 bikes, and moving the cadence and speed sensors from bike to bike was a PITA. My sanity was worth the $70 for another set of sensors, I use my old 500 on the old bike and keep the 830 on the newer bike. When I want to ride, I don't want to spend time fussing with sensors and settings. Anyway happy riding.