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I accidently erased parts of the internal memory of my Garmin 830

I accidently erased parts of the internal memory of my Garmin 830. By Garmin Express its not possible to reinstall any files, not enough memory. But there are no big files anymore in the memory. Is it possible to format the memory and to reinstall all files? Where can I get these files. 
Garmin wants, that I change it for a new one, which I have to pay. 
Sorry about my English. Greetings Uwe from cologne.

  • Did you try the full reset?

    Switch off the device
    Hold down Lap and Start / Stop buttons
    Turn on the device while still holding both buttons down
    Hold the keys until the Garmin "splash" screen appears
    Release the buttons when Garmin "splash" screen disappears

  • Tranks for answer. I tried it. No success. There is only the base map in the Memory. When I try reinstall Maps, I got. no Memory. More than 10GB are in use. The PC dont show them, I am missing lots of files in the root.