First ride this summer using navigation, got constant alerts for next point, how do I turn this off,
First ride this summer using navigation, got constant alerts for next point, how do I turn this off,
Course Point display can be switched off here. Note that the option isn't available until a course is loaded.
Menu>Navigation>Courses>[Load a course]>Settings>Course Points
Turned course points off but still get none stop alerts for course points, try a reset
Are you using the "Next point Location" datafield?
Sorry, don't know what that is
I guess that's a No. Just what is the alert message text?
I get constant "time to next point" alerts, never had these before
I'm out of ideas as to what it might be.
I've done a factory reset but kept my routes, if this works I'll post again, a reset and deleting everything after that
Rest and it's still the same