Can I delete parts of the EU cycling map to save space?

I've just added a more detailed 3rd party map of UK & Ireland. There's not much space left on the Edge 830 now though.

So looking at the largest .img (map) files I have on it, most I guess are wanted (basemap/timezone map/DEM/geocode), but I have 3 for the EU cycle map:

Garmin Cycle Map EU 2024.10, Central D9499040A.img 3.217 GB
Garmin Cycle Map EU 2024.10, East gmapprom.img  3.327 GB
Garmin Cycle Map EU 2024.10, West D6017110A.img 3.102 GB

So if I have no plans to ride to Eastern europe any time in the foreseeable future, can I just delete the East EU part (gmapprom.img) to save me over 3 GB? Or will that break it or cause a load of errors?

If that's ok could it cause me issues if I want to put it back on later?

If I delete it would I leave or delete the .gma file of the same name?

Next time I sync to Garmin connect would it put it back on? Or does it basically only try to update .imgs that are on the device? So if I don't back it up and delete it can I make express put it back on or must I keep it safe or something?

BTW, those filenames are definitely the right way around as, although mostly not human readable, you can tell which is which from the top few lines of the file.