Would you still buy an Edge 830 (new, from official dealer) today if it were 20-25% cheaper than the non-solar Edge 840 (also new, from official dealer)?
Would you still buy an Edge 830 (new, from official dealer) today if it were 20-25% cheaper than the non-solar Edge 840 (also new, from official dealer)?
My main concern regarding the 840 are:
1. Wifi not working. Was this just an early stage issue after release, which has been resolved by now with updates?
2. Potential fragility of the replaceable mounting…
Is the better coordination with other Garmin devices really working though? I've seen multiple threads with people complaining that physio true up / unified training status is a total mess with the x40…
I have zero issues with syncing between my Edge 830 and Fenix 7. The 830 is not UTS compliant so the sync is only from Edge to watch but seriously I do not need to see my correct training status on the…
I think the extra features of the 840 justify the extra cost, specifically the better coordination with current generation Garmin devices, better ClimbPro and DSW. Furthermore, 840 is being actively supported with firmware updates, whereas Garmin stopped releasing updates more than a year ago for 830.
My main concern regarding the 840 are:
1. Wifi not working. Was this just an early stage issue after release, which has been resolved by now with updates?
2. Potential fragility of the replaceable mounting tabs on the back (there are photos of the mounts breaking, screw falling out) and loose fit in the mounts.
3. The charging port cover easily removing itself (sloppy fit)
4. Freeze/lag & rebooting during activities?
I am also using a Forerunner 955 for runs and recording virtual rides, and apart from activity syncing and some health related details almost nothing carries over. So even a basic syncing of training progress to aid with DSW is IMHO better than what can be achieved with 830.
I have zero issues with syncing between my Edge 830 and Fenix 7. The 830 is not UTS compliant so the sync is only from Edge to watch but seriously I do not need to see my correct training status on the Edge as I only look at it when on the bike. On the watch and GC training status is perfect.
I have read a lot of threads which suggest the the UTS doesn't sync correctly on the xx40 series if a watch is worn passively at the same time as an activity is recorded on the Edge. Calories from the activity wiped out after sync to watch with a corresponding detrimental effect on Training Status.
I see your point @mcbit, I am also using it for outdoor rides. It might be just my case (I don;' have power meter on the bike), but do you for example see intensity minutes being properly tracked in either the watch or GC for rides recorded with the Edge 830? Or adjustments to health or performance metrics due to these rides?
Thanks for explaining this. I don't use a Garmin watch, so this is not an issue for me, but it's good to know
Yes I do. Everything is synced to, calculated on, and is viewable on the watch despite it not taking part in the activity. The recalculated data is not synced back to the Edge though which as I wrote earlier is not an issue for me.
Thanks for explaining this. I don't use a Garmin watch, so this is not an issue for me, but it's good to know
You may be interested in this fairly objective comparison between the 2
Garmin Edge 840 vs 830: What Is The Difference (And Is Solar Worth It)? - Sportive Cyclist
Thanks, I've watched the video version on youtube