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Auto Upload keeps uploading activity even if off

Hello all,

i recently replaced my Android Phone for an Iphone and since them my Garmin Edge 830 activities are auto uploaded to Garmin Connect even if that option is disabled under the Garmin Connect App and under the Device -> Wifi -> Auto Upload.

I did not had the behaviour on Android.

Am I missing something under the Iphone device?

  • Do you keep Wifi "on" or do you turn it on as needed? 

    I don't have an iPhone so I couldn't say for certain, but I would guess that if Wifi is "on" then new rides will be uploaded when the device connects to Wifi.

  • Wifi is off. 
    For your notice the sync occurs as soon i finished an activity where wifi is not even available..

    Iphone and Edge 830 are fully updated.

    I'm getting frustated. Confused

  • There is an option to disable auto upload in the GC app. It’s under the More (3 dots) tab>Garmin devices>[your device]>General. I’m not sure if it works reliably with the 830 as it didn’t with some earlier devices.

    Another option is to block the GC app access to mobile data in your phone settings, which will stop auto upload if WiFi is off but it will also stop other stuff such a live track too.

  • Hi @PeterK_55 , 

    that option is disabled but seems to have no effect.

    But this seems to affect only iOS and not android phones, since i didn't expericience this behaviour on my previous phone (Android) and start notice since i'm using Garmin Connect App on my new Iphone.

    Disable data is not an option, since i rely on Live Tracking.