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Edge 830 sometimes doesn't connect to any sensor?

I can't recreate this consistently but i've gotten this issue at least 1-2x a month.

Sometimes, when  turn on the 830 none of my sensors will auto connect. I end up having to go into each sensor individually and tapping the blue "CONNECT" button. It's pretty annoying because at some points I don't know if the sensor just isn't turning on or if I have to go in and do this.

  • I’ve seen this increasingly recently so must have been introduced in a recent firmware update. The workaround is to use the menu option in the sensor screen to search again. Don’t have my 830 handy but it’s in the menu on the bottom right from the sensor shortcut widget. 

  • welcome to the club. My solution is do a complete shutdown after each ride. Hold down power and press power off. Dont just press the power button into standby. I get all the sensors every time this way. 

  • Thank you.  I'll try this.

  • Now THAT is the information i was searching for.

    I see it for the second time so now i think it's confirmed. Will try this way.

    This issue happens to me EVERY DAY.

    Depends on how long Garmin 830 is in sleep mode, the less lights i can reconnect:

    0-1hr: both Bontrager lights reconnect

    1-12hr: one Bontrager light reconnects

    12-hr: no Bontrage light reconnects

    Update: in todays test (16hr) lights turned on after full shutdownThumbsup

    Update 2: next day only 1 device woke up. So it still sucks. And only thing it needs to wake up is search for sensors and immediatelly cancel that.

    Update 3: it's just complete chaos.. sometimes lights come up and one shuts down shortly after. Even after shutdown, and also after shortterm sleep. It's unreliable for real use. Switched to different ANT+ driver via Smart Bike Lights app.