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Sensor drop outs with 9.30 are on another level

I was used to the Varia rear radar dropping out every 30 minutes or so. However after upgrading to 9.30 I‘m getting a sensor reset every few minutes. I nearly crashed while trying to get rid of a warning message on the 830 which was blocking a part of my course navigation. This is a new low for Garmin Disappointed

  • It seems much more deep than 830. Its common to 1030 and 530 too. maybe they have same processor and scheduling is not working as expected. I also have the same problems with dropouts, even when not using navigation (a function that should tax the CPU more). It's frustrating, but looking at the competition I cannot see anything better than also has light network and cycling dynamics support...

  • that's true. I've my Garmin Edge 830 with the 9.10 and since a few weeks back my heart rate sensor sometimes disconnects and the reading is shown as --- but one sec later it appears again with the alert "sensor found", but a few secs later "sensor lost". However , this is so inconsistent that sometimes in 4-5h of riding it doesn't miss any reading...I truly can't understand why does this happen. I've the sensor connected by ANT+, as well other sensors (Quarq, AXS Force groupset), but the main drops occur with the heart rate monitor.

    If I'm reading that the 9.30 is worst, I won't risk an update...

  • Glad I'm not going crazy. My 530 hr display blanks out throughout every ride after 9.30 (at least that's when I noticed it). I checked the data post-ride in Connect & the dropouts are present there too. 

  • I just wanted that Garmin did a simple update without so many fancy stuff that just aren't so important compared with having a solid and simple unit. I think we don't need flashy updates and rainbows and etc.. we just want reliable units and solid data transmission.

    So if I am reading again that the 9.30 causes more drop outs, I definitely won't update my unit

  • I updated to 9.40, but still the same issues.

    Has anyone talked to Garmin customerservice about this?

  • 9.40?? But the current version is 9.30...

    I've sent them an email but they are saying that I've to try another heart rate monitor to see if the problem is in the sensor or in the Edge... basically they are not assuming there might be a bug in the firmware update... 

  • I have had the problems with my AXS Eagle sensor too after updating to FW9.30, so I reset the device and re-paired the sensor. Alas the same issue, multiple disconnects (like a crazy amount of them) during rides. Have now reverted back to FW9.10 and will see if this is better - from memory it was fine, but did try some betas in-between. The last beta before 9.30 was also terrible.

    I am really surprised by this persistent bug which also affects the 1030plus and 530 devices as we can see on this forum. And FW9.40 has been reported here to not fix this particular bug. Arghh...

  • Yes on a semi regular basis from October 2020. As you can imagine it was a waste of time.

  • When you revert back do you lost any data? Like history of fitness status, etc?

    I'm using the 9.10 and HR sensor drop outs still exists. But in an inconsistent way. Some rides (3-5h) doesn't happen. Others it starts from nothing and then starts working fine

  • I got a response to my support ticket. I'm pleased to see that they take it more serious then the basic reset or repair reply. Garmin asks to setup ant+ diagnostics logging on my next ride and then submit the data. 

    I strongly suggest everybody to open a ticket with support. Mention the massive dropouts and mention you tried already the basics like reset and repairing. The more data and feedback they get the more this gets to be a priority. Thanks for the efforts!