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Problems with Max-Speed on Edge 830 + Speed Sensor 2

Dear Garmin-Friends,

i got a refurbished Garmin 830 because in the past i got some big problems with the GPS connection. This problem are solved now Slight smile

I'm using the Garmin 830 in combination with the Speed Sensor 2.

Yesterday i was on a mountain bike tour and i noticed that i got two speed-peaks which are not realistic.

On one point i know that was driving on a common street and on my activity there was a top speed of 68kmh. 

This is not possible.

Do you also noticed such problems?

As i said the device is quite new (refurbished one).

Is it possible to reset the Speed Sensor anyhow?



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  • On these screenshots there you can see that from the one to the other second there is a dramatic speed increase and as i said i was just driving on a common street.

  • if you was cycling across a bridge, this causes instability speed in the device.

  • if you was cycling across a bridge, this causes instability speed in the device.


  • Hi Carlos,

    you can see on my two new screenshots that i was cycling in the forest. And in the one to the other second i got this massive (unrealistic) speed increase.



  • so I don't know the cause.
    bridges and power lines momentarily affect the device when passing over or under them.

  • Hi all,

    i just wanted to share the information i got from the support regarding this problem.

    Here are some steps to fix the problem

    - Disconnect/unpair the speed sensor from all devices (Connect App / Edge)

    - Remove battery for a couple of minutes and/or put battery upside down into the speed sensor to trigger a hardware reset

    - Pair speed sensor again

    In my case fortunately it worked and on my last run i didn't have any incorrect measurement.



  • Ok in the last run i unfortunately got a wrong max speed again.

    What i did now:

    - New battery

    - Put sensor to the FRONT wheel

    In the last run everything looks fine. I hope that now all my problems are solved.

    What i also did to check if the wrong max speed is coming from the Edge 830 or the Speed Sensor itself:

    - I have recorded an activity with my Edge 830 with GPS+GLONASS only (i disconnected the Speed Sensor from the Edge 830)

    - In this run i recorded the very same with my Garmin Venu (GPS deactivated) in combination with the Speed Sensor.

    This will ensure that it is possible to see (if the problem is still existing) if the problem is coming from the Edge 830 or from the Speed Sensor. 

    In my case fortunately there where no wrong data neither on the Edge 830 nor on the Speed Sensor.



  • Gude!
    Well, if you post your .fit file I could check if your speed sensor was source of speed information or if it was derived from GPS which is more likely to produce such spikes. Maybe your speed sensor was disconnected.



  • Hi oliver,

    how can this be done? I have the fit file with the spike now.

    Can i do this by my own?

    Thanks and regards

  • There's a tool called Fit File Repair Tool:

    I can see the spike in you file and indeed it's caused by your speed sensor (indicated by [5] which is your speed sensor):

    So, to me all looks fine with the sensor connection.
    As I don't know if you enabled auto-pause and if so to which speed I can't rate all these timer stop/start events.
    Looks like they are caused by speed < 5 km/h.

    The tool identified (beta status) two drop outs of sensor:

    Putting sensor on front wheel is recommended as it is short range ANT+ connection. And with frame and you blocking sensor's direct "line of sight" when on rear wheel I'd never recommend this ;-)