Got this error during a ride. I have a Varia RTL510. Anyone seen that before? Once I tapped the screen, I think got the all-to-familiar "Radar disconnected" error, and then after a few seconds, it reconnected.
Got this error during a ride. I have a Varia RTL510. Anyone seen that before? Once I tapped the screen, I think got the all-to-familiar "Radar disconnected" error, and then after a few seconds, it reconnected.
It's Garmin code for: We can't be bothered to fix this problem.
The FC stands for what Garmin think of their customers. A bunch of .....
Garmin will not replace a unit with this error, they told me there will be an update at some point. No guess as to when,. I told them i wanted my unit replaced because it was onlu 3 months old. They said…
It is a warning that the radar is temporarily blind.
any feedback on this one? I get this error a number of times per ride. And disconnects my Varia, and re-connects.
Same issue here with a brand new unit
I emailed Garmin Support as well. Also got a reply that they know the issue and they are working on a fix.
about 3 days ago I was on a ride, and the error was coming up all the time. that was a pain in the back side. but today I was riding and nothing. There are some days that it happens 2-3 times, other times nothing happens, and at other rides I get it all the time. I got a final reply from Garmin Support that I should send them my Varia for servicing. Thus no s/w update would resolve this problem. But I don't know whether it will be repaired or replaced.
I hope replaced since the device was faulty when purchased. Not like it happened later on.
Thank you for the update on your situation. Mine is doing the exact same thing. When its not giving the 0:fc error its disconnecting. I'll have to send garmin another email.