Hi all and especially Garmin
I'm using my Edge 830 fairly regular for navigation on MTB ways and trails. After using it for a while, I found a few things that I wish would be improved on:
- When taking a wrong turn while having the map on, the lower display shows a black bar with the word "Abweichung" or similar (I have it in German). Now this black bar is actually on top of the triangle which represents me and it hides the available paths. So if I turn around, I actually don't see which path I should take to get back to the correct road again (if there are many crossings). So my wish is to either move the whole map up by the size of the bar, or have this (fairly useless) bar on the top of the map.
- this brings me to the next issue, after getting back on the original road, it takes about 200-700 meters until the Edge realizes I'm back on the right road. I would wish this time to be much! shorter. If I'm in a small town or a place with a lot of small roads, this means I could miss several turns because the navigation also stops working until I'm back on the right road.
- I believe the Edge zooms the map in relation to the speed I'm driving, but I find it a tad to small when driving very slow on single tracks or similar. I would wish it would zoom in a bit more on the very slow parts.
- Wheel size calculation completely off. When I first used it with my MTB (Specialized Levo Turbo 2017) and it's speed sensor connected, the shown speed when the motor shut of was at around 19 Km/h and I thought my motor had an issue. After checking all the connected sensors, I realized that the automatic wheel size detection was completely off, it calculated a diameter of around 1700mm instead of 2300. The GPS function itself neither showed the right speed, although it should have in my optinion. Anyway, after manually setting the right wheel diameter the shown speed was correct again. I wish there for some sort of correction function, if the GPS speed is completely different of the wheel sensor speed.
Thanks for considering