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Edge 830 Backlight

Hello Garmin, can the Edge 830 have in the System/Backlight an option to allow the screen to stay ON based on the light sensor?

Current config only supports always on or time-out from 15s to 2 min. Would be nice to have an option following the sensor to make sure when night falls the device could switch the backlight to on automatically instead of we manually have to change the settings from time-out to always on....



  • Auto-brightness? Have you downloaded and read the manual, 

  • I have auto-brightness set to auto, but that is not the feature i am taking about. I am referring to the feature immediately after which is the backlight.

    My understanding is the auto-brightness control the screen brightness while the backlight is ON, but the backlight makes the screen with an always on, or time-out to switch the backlight off and when goes off auto-brightens have nothing to control....Thus my question and yes i did read the manual, so "thank you" for the most basic tip I could receive here which is what is is....! 

  • Someone else requested this a year ago and no one from Garmin replied.

    I'd like to see the backlight optionally come on when night mode is activated. Perhaps configurable in the activity profile.

    And an alert when you power on the device that reminds you the backlight is set to always on would be a good idea. Telling me that it will reduce battery when I choose it is fine (although please just tell me once, ok? I'm not a child), but often I forget to turn it OFF later.

  • Thanks wes-m, you nailed what the request is.

    I run in my edge 830 a Varia UT800 and my request to the screen is pretty similar of what the Varia UT800 already does, that is, it's flashing during day, but if it gets dark or night falls, it switches to solid light as that is what the Edge 830 sensor "tells" the light to do.
    Why not the same behavior to the Edge Screen (not flashing :) but auto backlight OFF during day, auto backlight ON in a tunnel or night falls) to make it (as you also say switch to night mode) and lit up automatically and stay as long the sensor "tells" . Then auto-brightness (which wasn't my request here) can do it's thing by controlling the intensity of the screen while ON (i know the auto-brightness does dim the screen, but from what I've seen, it never switches off the backlight, which is a battery waste during day light).


  • I requested this about a year ago. Typical Garmin, they won't reply or implement but will probably implement in a newer model to force you to upgrade

  • Bump. Making it easier to keep the backlight ON would improve night riding immensely!!!!

    I can turn on the useless (for me) BIKE ALARM in the control widget but no backlight...!!!

  • You can set the back-light to stay on but I reckon it would run the battery down fairly rapidly? When a turn comes up on navigation the light comes on automatically so at night you wouldn't miss a turn!

  • Every time I have to navigate to the backlight setting I think of this thread and how it seems to be ignored.

  • Have you actually been in contact with garmin?

  • I want the same future. They have night mode. Why not at an option under always on or auto.