Hi, I'm posting this because I have encountered some important problems related to the Strava live segments that might be occurring to all users in this device, and others, I'm mostly sure.
Back in early February, when I got the device, the live segments were something simple but perfect; they had a custom screen which had your PR value and other goal time value that can be changed in settings, then bellow it you had the distance for the end of the segment, time ahead to the goal, other data fields could be added (inside the profile settings), but those 2 were the most important ones for this matter. Suddenly, one day I started up the device and the wonderful screen had gone, from that moment the device changes to the map screen, with a ghost arrow and the goal time value at the top, but you no longer have the custom data fields in the live segments custom page (distance to go and the time behind or ahead to reach the goal), you see the ones that appear in the map page.
I have done some research, this change now appears in the Strava live segments support page, the map with your arrow, and the goal ghost arrow. In my opinion (and I'm pretty sure that everyone else's opinion) This change makes the live segments USELESS (!!). Literally, since this is happening, I no longer want the live segments page to be shown (why would I want to see a ghost arrow on a map? I want to see the exact time difference to my PR and the KOM!)
I have tried to disable the setting of the Segment warning when you approach, but the device continues to make that warning. I have also tried to disable the segments page as I do not want the screen to pop-up anymore, I just want to now the final segment result and the difference to the PR or if I have achieved the KOM.
Please please please, look at this, the update is not an improvement!
This is how it was (PERFECT!):
This is how it is now (worse than this because the fields at the bottom are the ones that you have on the map page):
I'm using a Garmin 830 on v5.34 BETA firmware.
Kind regards!