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Weather Alerts: How to turn off once and for all!?

On my Edge 830, I go to Menu ->System->Widge Management-> and I slide the Weather slider to "off". In Garmin Connect app I don't even have the Weather app installed. In Garmin Connect app I go to "General" and have turned "off" the Weather slider about 100x but it always turns itself back on! How can I turn this off once and for all!? It's super annoying getting constant updates on the Edge saying "Gale winds" or similar (even when the weather is perfect). 

  • Hi.

    Thanks for the workaround.

    Too bad Garmin didn't fix that, we see complaints in this forum for at least 3 years, already on the previous generation of Edge devices (x20)

    iPhone settings --> Garmin Connect --> Turn Share Location to Never. Turn Notifications Off.

       >>> What other features get disabled when we turn off these options?

    I really appreciate any help you can provide.


  • Any news on your quest to fix this?

    Should I also open a ticket?


  • FTR, this issue, after MULTIPLE YEARS, is still ongoing and unaddressed by Garmin. It remains incredibly frustrating every time I use my bike comp. I’ve attempted every “workaround” and “fix”. It’s a Garmin issue according to IOS and it’s an IOS issue according to Garmin. Basically no one cares enough to fix it. 

  • I emailed Garmin Support because this is very serious, especially if you use the navigation on trails... the random Weather Alerts can distract you and block you from seeing the map in key moments.

    For reference, Garmin Support reference ID: 20813457K0.

    I almost had an accident and was reluctant to use the Garmin again because I think it is NOT SAFE.

    The support told me they are trying to FIX THIS ISSUE.

    I included the link to this thread in my original email to prove more people need that fixed.

    Perhaps if more people also complain about the same issue, they might prioritise it.


  • I think the Weather Alerts bug also affects Garmin Edge 530, and probably others as well.

    Is there a way to cross-reference this so more people can email garmin support with that reference ID??

    For reference, Garmin Support reference ID: 20813457K0.

    I emailed Garmin Support because this is very serious, especially if you use the navigation on trails... the random Weather Alerts can distract you and block you from seeing the map in key moments.

    For reference, Garmin Support reference ID: 20813457K0.

    I almost had an accident and was reluctant to use the Garmin again because I think it is NOT SAFE.

    The support told me they are trying to FIX THIS ISSUE.

    I included the link to this thread in my original email to prove more people need that fixed.

    Perhaps if more people also complain about the same issue, they might prioritise it.


  • After many YEARS with this issue constantly happening to many users, you can rest assured they are NOT trying to fix this and that it is NOT a priority for them. Very frustrating. 

  • But this turns ALL notifications off, e.g., text messages, correct?

  • Yes, there is no actual fix for this on the Garmin head unit. It is a glitch that they clearly don’t care to fix. So trying to get rid of it by adjust things in the unit or through the phone is useless. 

  • Same issue. On cold rides the only way to see the full screen after one of these notifications is to remove a glove and touch the dismiss checkmark. Otherwise, they just hang there, blocking half the screen. Worse, there are usually a variety of them -- storm warnings, winter advisory, etc. --  arriving in succession, right after the glove is donned each time.

  • Finally the problem is solved Grinning