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830 edge will not load up my strava e-bike segments.

i cant get to upload my strava e-bike segments onto my garmin. I can upload bike segments no problem its just e-bikes segments it doesn't like. I know strava aren't supporting ebike live segments, s wondered if this is the issue with garmin?

any ideas  

  • Can you please reach out to us through so we can collect some information and further investigate this issue?

    It is difficult to say what would be causing this without having more information. 

  • Duncan

    I had a web chat with one of your operatives about this. He informed me, due to strava not supporting e-bikes fully, IE live segments don't work for summit members, e-bike segment search isnt available either. your Garmin product doesn't load up e-bike segments.

    It seems strange that the e-bike segments are shared to Garmin connect and if you click on one of them, it opens up strava and you can view it on their site, but when you sync the Garmin edge 830 to  Garmin connect it doesn't load them up. I have read a lot of strava forums concerning e-bikes and the consensus is, strava isn't doing anything for e-bikes. which seems to me to be very narrow minded. 

    Can i suggest your company getting a grip on this with strava and inform us e-bike riders when strava is going to acknowledge our existence and supply the same functions given to all summit subscribers.  

    many thanks


  • Hi Guys,

    Do you have any information if this thing is beeing fixed?

    Regards, JK

  • Hi JC

    I had some email exchange with customer support at strava you can see from the answer I got from them isn't positive at all.The guy writing the email may as well stuck two fingers up at me. Sorry but looks like unless Garmin start putting pressure on Strava to do something about this, we wont see any changes.

    Craig C

    Apr 9, 12:25 PM PDT

    I had a reply from one of your operatives named Skye, from his reply it was apparent he didn't understand my issue. lets explain it again.
    I am a summit subscriber, I ride an E-bike recording my ride with the e-bike category. I have made 300 e-bike segments from my rides (See my dashboard). as a summit subscriber I should get live segment function when using e -bike category and I should get e bike segment search on my phone and also when using your website, I don't get either. This has been flagged up by other e bike riders within your forums going back many years (see link)

    I also run a garmin edge 830 that is linked to my strava account, The garmin does not show my strava segments either. I contacted garmin about this issue. I was informed,strava are not supporting e bike segments and therefore will nort work on the garmin device.

    Other e bike riders using e-bike category only know they have ridden an e bike segment when they upload their ride to their strava page. so its nothing more than pure luck they found the segment.

    I am asking when are you going to support e bike category the same way you support normal bike riders. Us e bike riders subscribing to summit are entitled to the same functions as other summit subscribers riding conventional bikes.

    hope this explains my issue know


    Skye (Help Center)

    Apr 9, 1:19 PM PDT

    Thanks for sharing your feedback with us. We have passed your feedback onto our Community Team for review.

    We review all feature requests and suggestions and we are grateful for your contribution. It’s our goal to improve Strava based on your feedback whenever possible. We wish we could respond personally to all feedback, but please understand that we may not, and we may not decide to use your feedback.

    Strava Support Team

  • Tnx Craig for your big engagement to this matter. Yes, Garmin needs to starts putting pressure on this matter. I broight Edge 520+ and I dont have some important and advertised functions.

    I am going to cancel Strava Summit.

  • I use the bicycle segments to have the live segments and when uploading the route traps it to ebike

  • I see that thi works as when I 'Star' a normal segment it shows in my Garmin 830. But where would it pull your PB time from I wonder? Considering all my rides are tagged 'ebike'. So does it pull your PB and the KOM data from your ebike segment and translate this to the normal bike segment that is 'Starred'??