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What I learned about getting a reliable BT connection

I have a samsung s7. I hope this may useful information for some.

I connected my device with the 'trusted device' feature. It maintains a rock-solid, reliable connection.

How I know. I made a mistake.

I am on my second edge 830.

When pairing (setup) my device-to-phone for the first time with the first device, I did not select the the trusted device option. I subsequently had to unlock my phone and open garmin connect to get BT to work correctly. It worked, but seemed like too many steps.

Then my second device arrived as a replacement. This time I selected the trusted device option. My connection established each and everytime, whether or not I unlocked my phone.

Then I made the mistake of synching my new 830 device in garmin express to the 1st edge 830 device profile. My ability to connect took me back to where I had to unlock the phone and open garmin connect first.

So, I unpaired my phone and went through the pairing setup again to 'again' select 'trusted device. I also removed the first device from garmin express.

For me, using trusted device provides a rock-solid, reliable connection that only requires me to power up my garmin edge 830.

Hope someone can get some use my lesson.

  • When connecting the unit with GCM there is only one BT connection established. Unfortunately this is not sufficient for Edge to be paired with phone when you turn on 830 next time

    My experience is quite opposite. I have a single BT connection created by GCM. Works perfectly. Never seen a second connection available in BT menu.
    It looks like it is a phone OS related. You will never get it sorted without saying which OS (and ver.) connections work or do not work.

    Mine is Android 8 on SG7 Edge (latest available with updates), 830 is 4.23 beta.

  • I think, maybe, one BT item is used for the phone and the other is used for BT sensor.

  • The Edge pairing to GCM should create two BT pairings, but one many not be active all the time.

    I believe Garmin will be renaming them to make it clearer in a future build.

    One is a BLE connection that should be active whenever the Edge is on and is used to deliver messages and pass data to live track.

    The other is a BT connection and this is only active when moving files and other larger payloads.

  • This is good news. I had zero issues with my Fenix 5X and my previous Edge 820 when connecting to BT. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 4 years ago in reply to aweatherall

    Yeah, this is really confusing, as before I had Garmin and Garmin BT_LE, something like that. Now I just have two "Garmin" pairings, one always disconnected, and sometimes both, so how do I figure out which one to connect?

  • Garmin Connect should manage which one to connect to. You should not be manually trying to connect to them, but rather let GCM do it.

  • The biggest issue for me is actually having to open GCM to make a connection. I shouldn't have to.

  • I have the exact same issue. I have to open GCM (Samsung S7). If I don't open it, the connection isn't made. 

  • I have a samsung s7 edge. My BT connection remains rock solid when I ultimately did the following, as described when I started this thread. 1. I unpaired my phone. 2. I had three edge 830 paired attributes in my S7 edge BT tab. I deleted all three instances of edge 830 paired attributes from the BT tab in my S7 edge phone. 3. I initiated the pairing function in my edge 830. When I got to the trusted device option, I selected trusted device and followed the instructions. 4. I finished the pairing setup in my edge 830. 

    Edge 830: 4.10/2.50 and two speed sensor 2's.

    I now only have one paired edge 830 device attribute showing in my samsung s7 edge. My BT connection has not failed me once. In fact, I can power my edge 830 in a completely different part of my house from my phone, and my edge 830 connects quickly everytime.

    I can't, or won't, try to technically explain.  All I know is that the steps I followed work each and every time. Hope you get a positive outcome.

  • No, this is a rather naive and misleading advice.

    The "Trusted Device" option has nothing to do with the stability and reliability of BT connection. It makes no difference.

    You simply observed a temporary improvement in the reliability of BT connection that happens every time one unpairs/re-pairs the device. But "Trusted Device" or not, the connection will break down again. The BT in Edge 830 is currently non-functional. There are no "tricks" to make it work.