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New Edge 830 Public Beta 3.57 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 830 has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • If you experience problems with this build, our engineering team would like to hear about your experience so they can work toward resolving any remaining issues. Please visit the Garmin forum for the Edge 830. Please note that you may not get a response to the forum post unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 3.55 to 3.57:

  • Improved LiveTrack reliability.
  • Improved overall device stability.

Installation Instructions

  1. Connect your Edge 830 device to your computer using the micro-USB cable.
  2. Download and unzip and place the GUPDATE.gcd file in the \Garmin folder of your device's internal storage drive.
  3. Disconnect your device from the computer, approve the update on the Edge, and wait for the update to finish.
  4. If you would like to revert to the last public release software, follow the above steps but place the GUPDATE-350.GCD file in the \Garmin folder. Rename the file to GUPDATE.GCD before disconnecting your device.
    NOTE: If you revert to an older version of software, all of your settings will be reset to defaults.
  • That is strange.

    The spike filter does not come in until after 4,000 watts so it should not be that. The filter excludes values rather than smoothing them, so it should not be the filter.

    Were you recording the activity with multiple head units and one gave you a value that was 100 watts less than the other unit or do you just fell that it should have been 100 watts more than it reported?

  • Based on feel alone-I guess its possible that I’m just a bit weak at this point.  I do have my old 520 that I can record simultaneously and see the values from each to really make sure based on data-maybe I’ll do that at the end of my workout tomorrow.  

    For the past 12 years, I can always break 1000 watts at will for a peak value when sprinting.  But now I can’t at all-since using the Edge 830?  Doesn’t seem right.

    I’ll check By using both units.

  • I'm sure it was connected to wifi at the beginning. A previous ride I did a couple days ago that had wifi connected at the beginning did track properly.

  • Just looking at possibilities on why it started, then dropped out and then restarted. 

  • I'll try to remember to turn off wifi before starting ride. Still not sure how it works sometimes and not this time. Also it seems like it should record the track regardless and then send that up when it reconnects, like it does when losing and then regaining cell service.

  • Another freeze today, between mile 58-62 approximately. In an area where I had network service. Still, these random freezes are much less than I always experienced with 1030. Is there anything I can provide to help someone troubleshoot this?

  • Connectivity on 3.57 working much better here. My LiveTrack worked throughout both rides I did this weekend (total of about 6 hours in the saddle) with no gaps visible. Post-ride sync also worked flawlessly.

    I did have an issue connecting it to my phone on Saturday, which required a manual start of the Connect app on my phone, so I think there are still issues there with the operating system killing the background sync proxy agent, which will result in the device not being able to connect. I'll report this on the Android forum.

  • Using beta 3.57 for the first time today on my 830 and on many occasions the below screen was displayed. It was displayed every  5 mins approx, preceded by a beep and the screen remained visible for around 3 seconds before reverting to my normal nav/ride data. I wasnt following a pre set course...just out for a coffee run.

    1. What is it supposed to denote?

    2. What causes it?

    3. How do I get rid of it?


    • Pete
  • It is custom distance alert set under the activity profile you are using.

    You should be able to delete it by going to Alerts under the activity profile settings. It sounds like your profile may have gotten corrupted as part of the update.

  • Dont remember setting such an alert but sorted now. Thanks for your help.