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New Edge 830 Public Beta 3.57 Now Available

A new Beta software for the Edge 830 has been released. Full change log, instructions, and software for installing the beta can be found here.

  • If you experience problems with this build, our engineering team would like to hear about your experience so they can work toward resolving any remaining issues. Please visit the Garmin forum for the Edge 830. Please note that you may not get a response to the forum post unless we need more information on the issue you report.
  • Although this software is believed to be reliable, it has not yet been released for production and should be used at your own risk.

Changes made from version 3.55 to 3.57:

  • Improved LiveTrack reliability.
  • Improved overall device stability.

Installation Instructions

  1. Connect your Edge 830 device to your computer using the micro-USB cable.
  2. Download and unzip and place the GUPDATE.gcd file in the \Garmin folder of your device's internal storage drive.
  3. Disconnect your device from the computer, approve the update on the Edge, and wait for the update to finish.
  4. If you would like to revert to the last public release software, follow the above steps but place the GUPDATE-350.GCD file in the \Garmin folder. Rename the file to GUPDATE.GCD before disconnecting your device.
    NOTE: If you revert to an older version of software, all of your settings will be reset to defaults.
  • Installed, ready to begin testing tomorrow.

  • I was just about to downgrade from 3.55 since my rides have stopped uploading automatically (or when connected via cord through Garmin Express).  Will this update fix that issue?  if so, I'll upgrade to 3.57 and give that a try rather than going back down to 3.50.


  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to smhagger707

    Oh yes, NOTHING works. I have to download .fit file manually!

    Dind't test 3.57 yet. Although I could, as soon as I turn 830 in my room, it starts a ride Slight smile

  • For anyone wondering: I just did a quick recovery ride and the new FW version (3.57) uploaded my ride automatically after I hit 'save' at the end of the ride.  It behaved just as it should again.  No drama-happy with its performance now.


  • Two rides today, commute to work 15 mi, livetrack worked fully and when I viewed the track at the end, it was complete, but it usually was. 2nd ride home was over some MTB trails 30mi. Places where I had no cell service, etc. At one point I was trying to take picture with phone and it froze completely. I thought I would have to do a hard reboot to get phone working again. Message on Garmin that phone disconnected and Livetrack stopped. I thought for sure this would corrupt Livetrack, but I got phone working again, and 830 connected immediately. Got home and looked at the final Livetrack and SHOCKED to see that the entire ride displayed perfectly with no missed places where it drew a straight line between one point to another. I have not seen that good on 830 before and maybe never on the 1030 I had before. Really amazed it managed to keep a great livetrack going. It is around the 25 on this where the phone froze and stopped responding for a while. It was an area too where there was no cell signal.


  • In 3 rides since going to 3.57 I've seen my Varia 510 radar discconnect and then reconnect immediately one time. This problem has been there in 3.50 and 3.55 and still seems to be, though not as frequent as in 3.50

  • First Livetrack drop today. Weird, it happened right near the beginning of my ride when I had great service before I got into trails where I lost service.

  • Did your phone have Wifi connection to a service near you start point?

  • I like everything that I have noticed so far with the update.  However, whatever they did to take out the ‘spikes’ in power data is cutting off my peak wattage during my sprints-I don’t like that at all and wish they would ‘undo’ it or provide an option to ‘clip peaks’ or not based on what the user selects.  My sprints just took about a 100w hit from my previous Garmins...