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Sensors and navigation glitch

I've put about 1000km on the 830 and I am mostly impressed with it compared to my 800.  I've had a couple of glitches where one of the sensors, usually the cadence sensor didn't connect.  I would have to go to setup, sensors, choose that one and press connect and it would work.

This morning on my way to the office I started the navigation and got the first prompts to get out of my neighborhood.  All as normal.  Once the route was loaded and I started riding it I switched to my normal screen with speed/cadence etc.  I noticed that there was no cadence.  I figured it was the same thing as before so I went back to the main screen and saw that my cadence and speed sensors were both not connected.  I went to each and pressed connect and they came up.  I went back to my user screen or whatever it's called and could see my cadence was fine.  But at the next intersection, I got a TBT to turn there.  I was supposed to go straight so I ignored it and got the next one.  I don't know if it was trying to route me back to the start or just lost.  A u-turn would have brought me back.  I stopped the course and restarted it.  It asked me if I wanted to navigate to the start and I killed that.  It found the route and worked flawlessly.

I purposely use the TBT Navigation on my daily commute or know routes to verify that it's working rather than getting surprised when I'm somewhere that I don't know.

There's the question about the sensors not connecting but I'm also wondering if there's an issue going back to the main screen during navigation?  Has anyone seen this sort of behavior?

I was using version 3.5, connected to my iPhone 6.2 with the latest GC software.    I just installed the beta update so I'll see if this helps.

  • Do you know if you are connected to your sensors over ANT or BLE? This information will show under the sensor details.

    If you are connected over BLE it is recommend to use ANT where possible. Delete the pairing and re-add it. The 3.50 software was changed to offer the ANT pairing first.

  • My speed and cadence sensors are ANT.  My HRM is dual but I wasn't using it on my commute.  I am not sure how to tell if the HRM uses BLE or ANT.  But I'm assuming ANT.

    Do you know what we have to do to get an email or something to let us know that there's a reply to a topic?  I nearly missed this one...

  • There is a checkbox at the bottom of the question from that says "Notify me when someone replies to this post."  Unfortunately, that has never worked for me -- I've never gotten an email that someone has replied to my posts.  So what I do is go up to the top right of the screen and click "Profile" and then "Questions," which brings up a list of all the questions I've posted.  I can then check for the latest reply time.  Of course, I have to remember to do this on occasion.  

    I sent a support request to Garmin regarding this issue and their suggestion was to toggle the reply notifications off and back on.  Of course that did nothing...

  • I check the box when I see it and I think that I actually did get one email once but not usually.  And if I reply to a thread like this one, I don't see the box at all.  I would like to monitor a thread that I reply to.

    But thanks for the tip about the questions in the profile.