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Keeps saying "nice jump" when riding on pavement.

last Sunday we were riding on smooth blacktop road at 14 ~ 15 mph on full suspension mountain bike, the Edge 830 keeps beeping and displaying "nice jump" every a few minutes. some show jumping over 7 ft. i was certainly not jumping!

in average 2~3 hour trail rides the Edge would show 30 to 50 jumps when i only had 5 ~ 8 hops/jumps. anyone else has such experiences?

  • Issue started today on my device, too. Use the 830 since 1 year and did not have the issue. Today I have a 10m jump on a flat street and some other false detections... no changes done to the bike or Garmin. anyone was able to fix this? 

  • I've been using the 830 for several months with little issue.  Now, I get repeated nice jump notifications when riding on smooth pavement on a full suspension bike.  But a real jump with a solid landing doesn't activate the notification at all.  I can only assume the unit is broken.

  • I've been using the 830 for several months with little issue.  Now, I get repeated nice jump notifications when riding on smooth pavement on a full suspension bike.  But a real jump with a solid landing doesn't activate the notification at all.  I can only assume the unit is broken.

  • They should then apply a low pass filter to kill high freq resonance.