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What does this icon mean?

At the side of the course list, there is a small triangle icon within a circle. What does it mean? I was surprised to see a difference as the top two routes are the same, with the first being imported from a FIT file, and the second from a GPX.

Any thoughts?

  • I assume this is the garmin connect logo. If you download a route from strava or komoot onto the edge, than you get a strava/komoot icon on the side. 

  • Interesting, but odd as all three were copied on via USB. They all came from plotaroute, with the first being exported as a fit file and the other two being GPX. If that's the reason though, then it might just be a bit of a bug in how it's detecting the source of the file when copied manually.

    I wonder what it will show when I used gimporter/gexporter? Oh yes, that's right. It won't as it was killed by the last update of Garmin Connect on Android :-/

  • It is designed to show the source of the course.

    If you download a course using the Strava Route app then it will show the Strava icon. Many sites declare the source as Garmin (TrainingCenter), even though they are not. They will therefore show using the Garmin icon.