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Same TBT issue as the 820

Hey everybody,

First real ride with my new 830 , first 40 km outstanding, everything I was missing on the 820 was working on the new toy !

But after 40 km  (just like with the 820) I miss a turn and went out of the route... and ... no more TBT, guidance finish, on top my home street and Km to go: the total distance !!!

I will put the "Nickdodo distance" on my next track and hope it will do the same as on the 820 (I will try to found back the very, very long post about that subject into the 820 forum).

Hopefully Garmin do not wait one year before they give us a firmware that fixed that problem just like with the 820 .

Else it's look to be a fantastic machine !!!

  • Morning ride with 3.55 Beta update, 92 Km, no other word : PERFECT !

    Not one issue, made huge out of road, made a little stop when I cross a friend, another out of road, perfect !!! let's cross fingers

  • The Turn by Turn issue is definitely not resolve, in fact it never was, the ride I spoke 2 months ago after 3.55 Beta was a one time exception.

    Even with a ride from point A to point B 90 Km further, the unit regularly stuck for a while or definitely for the rest of the track; also when I ride a loop (with start and end 500 m distance) recurrently the distance to end give the entire ride distance and a street here in the neighborhood.

    Garmin please give us the good update, now ... please


  • It's strange but sometimes when I press "ride" I get a prompt that I'm close to the starting point asking me if I want to start the course.  I can say yes, and in this case it normally works fine.  This is an improvement over my 800.  But I sometimes get a prompt asking if I want to navigate to the start.  Once I see that I have to say no or TBT is broken.  This is similar to my 800.  It's not a big issue normally as long as I don't accidentally press yes there.