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Powermeter calibration link

Hi have just bought a 830 after years of using the 520. One of the most annoying bugs is the lack of the "calibrate" direct link at the home button. I have seen it in 530 but I can't see it in the 830. Any of u can see this calibrate direct link under sensor pool?


  • I switched my power meters to using ANT+ and I now get a calibration prompt.  So, that is a workaround.

    To do this, first check your power meter and verify it's using BLE.  You can see this in the 'Show Details' section or the power meter.   If it's BLE, disable the power meter (don't REMOVE it).   Then do 'Add Sensor' and add the same power meter.  It should choose ANT+ this time.  But verify it like I mentioned above.   You can then REMOVE the BLE connected sensor.

    I think Garmin will be making the default ANT+ in an upcoming code update until they get the BLE issue fixed.