How can I set trainer mode default for a workout??

When doing workouts the trainer mode within my garmin edge 540 defaults to target power for that particular step. For example, if doing an interval session of 8x20 and my target power for those 20 seconds is 475-535 watts, the "trainer mode" default is to use the target power (i'm assuming a % of the target power range) and essentially acts like ERG mode and adjusts resistance to keep me somewhere right in the middle of my target power. I would like to change the default to a resistance mode, that way I can manually adjuster cadence/gearing for my desired power output. Is this as simple as just turning off ERG mode? Ideally I would love for the ability to manipulate the range to which my trainer allows me to create power. For example, if the above referenced interval has a target power of 475-535, my trainer will put me somewhere around 505 watts and keep me there regardless of cadence/gearing. I would like to be able to apply power in that full range of 475-535 on days/sets I am feeling particularly good or weak. I would still be in my target range, but have a much wider window in which to apply power. 

I also am aware I can manually change the trainer mode on the Edge 540. The problem with this is that it resets back to target power after each interval. So in my 8x20 interval example, I would have to manually flip through to change the trainer mode on each of the 20 second intervals. This would not be so much of an issue on longer 20+ minute efforts, but the short intervals would be a nightmare. For reference I am using a wahoo kickr core smart trainer. 

  • I  had/have the same complaint so I feel you. 

    It sets ERG mode by default and as you have figured out you can manually override it until you get to the next step in the workout and then it goes back to ERG mode.

  • This is by far one of the most frustrating things I have found in Garmin. I am doing the same thing right now of manually changing the trainer mode on each step.

    My life would be 10 times better if I could just set it to one mode and forget it, despite if my workout specifies desired power or not.

  • Call support and open a ticket. That's  what I did.

    The more people that do it the better.

    The workaround for now is to disconnect the trainer from your Edge, and use Wahoo's mobile app to control the trainer. You can change modes on the fly and it leaves it alone.

    Myself, I don't think intervals should be done in ERG mode. But that's another subject.