Adaptive cycling coach plan (rant)

This is indirectly a criticism of the device, as part of the reason for getting the 540 was the Daily Suggested Workout feature, which I no longer trust.

I’m a 50-something road rider of 30+ years who decided to stop doing junk miles and be less overtrained but not slower. So I jumped into more deliberate riding with a 540 and Rally power meter. For the past four weeks I”ve been trying to use an adaptive coach plan, and it’s gone badly.

First attempt had me doing a four hour ride after the first week of 1-1.5 hour rides, which put an unroofed blister on my butt that took several days to heal. Once it did, I did my own riding until I thought I could be in the saddle for four hours without injuring myself.

Second attempt at an adaptive plan, in the second week I was given a 2x8@600 workout: 8 repetitions of 20-second 600 watt efforts, with 10 seconds recovery between reps; 10 minute recovery, then another set. Even my utter cluelessness of power meters and training had me skeptical prior to trying this, and of course I could only manage 2 ½ reps before I could barely stay on the bike.

Point being, the claim of adaptive training from Garmin is deceptive. And if the plans aren’t adaptive, how can I trust the Daily Suggested Workout? And at a few points along the way, I had to delete the plan and start over because of sync issues between the phone app and the device.

  • It gets worse -- after the crazy anaerobic workout, the plan scheduled a workout on an off day. If the programming can't even follow basic parameters like days of the week, it's unsurprising more sophisticated calculations are beyond it.

    So having deleted the adaptive plan yesterday, I started a fondo plan with all the workouts scheduled in advance. I clipped in this morning and selected "Ride" from the workout screen on the 540, and at the usual workout data screen the only thing displayed was "No Workout Active." All the fields were blank. I power cycled the 540, re-synced -- same thing.

    At this point I've given up completely on Garmin plans and can only hope that after dropping almost $1k on a computer and power meter that basic metrics like training load and load focus are reliable.