Edge 540 has a number of problems

The software is incomplete and does not allow important functions.  Support is very difficult to get for the 540 and it does not work as the owner's manual states. The Internet is filtered to hide serious Edge 540 problems. You cannot return the 540 to purchase the 840.  Without touchscreen on the 540, the buttons work very poorly and are almost impossible to use. Garmin is selling a somewhat defective product and blocking efforts to get support.  Editing a Data Screen and Activity Profiles cannot be done on the Edge 540.  Search for Edge 540 problems on Garmin Forums and the Internet and you will find many more reasons to not purchase Edge 540.  You can only get chat help if you want to purchase the 540 and chat does not respond to questions that indicate there are Edge 540 problems.

  • I agree. I have an Edge 540 and I have nothing but issues with it. I hate this thing. I'll never buy another Garmin product again. 

    Right now it's having some software issue where the navigation won't work at all and it's basically useless. I can't even load a course to use on my trainer because it won't pull in elevation data. I've tried all sorts of resets and everything and nothing works. Garmin should refund the $400 I spend on this piece of crap.