Edge 540 lost my activity

So something weird happened today.

At the end of the ride, I saved my activity as usual. I'm almost 100% positive I did really save the ride and didn't accidentally discard it, because it asked me for my calories and water intake, just like it normally does.

After a few minutes I noticed Strava still didn't have my ride (which is normally uploaded automatically through WiFi to Connect, then synced to Strava). So I opened Garmin Connect on my Android phone. All the cards on the home screen show "Loading Error" (they still do as I'm writing this, BTW). Switching to the "Calendar" view, it says "An error as occurred", then "Something went wrong. Try again." (super helpful Garmin, thanks). This is kinda weird because the Garmin Connect web app works fine in a browser.

Ok so maybe there's a problem with Garmin's server and my device can't upload the ride. So I plug the device on my computer and try to upload the .fit file manually... The file is nowhere to be found. The "Activities" folder has all my old rides, but not today's ride.

So, I'm guessing the Edge 540 couldn't connect to Garmin's servers to upload the file because of an outage, and somehow it caused it to lose the activity completely. has anyone had something similar happen to them?

  • Hi, Garmin 540 or the updates still have bugs. My bike ride today disappeared after the usual save process. Through much reading, best advice was to connect the 540 to my PC, review the "hard drive" of the device, found the temp folder and found the misplaced file labelled with today's date with a dot fit extension . Login to my Garmin Connect account on the PC and upload to the lost file. This worked perfectly, no data lost, but really Garmin ....at $500 per device and I have to seek and find my files ??? Not good....fix the bugs please.....