The 540 manual says that zero power recording is excluded as default, however this has now changed on all my devices - 530 and 540 to include this without my knowledge , does anyone know which firmware changed this ?
The 540 manual says that zero power recording is excluded as default, however this has now changed on all my devices - 530 and 540 to include this without my knowledge , does anyone know which firmware changed this ?
The 540 manual says zeros for power are excluded from average, so between that being released and now they have changed this default setting , quite a big change as potential big drops in peoples power without them knowing why., can’t argue tat they shouldn’t be included , but if people aren’t aware they aren’t and then they are , not good…
Breers33 i think the user manual is misleading a bit: "The default setting excludes zero values that occur when you are not pedaling." it is only valid for the cadence and not the power. the default setting is: zero value for power is included and excluded for cadence since years , it was the same in the Edge 830 also.