Hi! How can you change X and Y Axis scale on elevation profile for Edge 540? Looks like there is a function for that, holding 2-3sec menu button. But after that nothing happens, there isn't any +/- functions for arrow buttons like on map profile.
Hi! How can you change X and Y Axis scale on elevation profile for Edge 540? Looks like there is a function for that, holding 2-3sec menu button. But after that nothing happens, there isn't any +/- functions for arrow buttons like on map profile.
How can you change X and Y Axis scale on elevation profile for Edge 540?
Answered 10 posts below yours but in summary you can not, exact same happened when 530 was released 4 years ago, Garmin has lost its corporate memory? It took a year before the 530 got x scaling and never did get y scaling
ps I am reminded the same also happened with the 520 and never resolved so looks more like a deliberate policy to differentiate the 5x0s from the 8x0s rather than a triple oversight.