My 530 has somehow recorded a way abnormal Max FTP value. It is showing 3x higher than it should be (629W vs a more realistic 220W).
This abnormal FTP number is really messing up many of the downstream calculations in the 530 and on my Garmin Connect account.
For example, my W/kg now shows 9.9 W/kg, and I know this is nowhere correct, or I'd be in the Tour this yr! :-)
I am seeing other strange reports in Training Status, Training Load, VO2max, etc.
I now don't believe many of the data and reports coming from my 530, and my guess it's because of this erroneous Max FTP number (or some other erroneous power measurement number) buried in my data.
Is there any way to delete my power measurements for the past 3 years to allow for a new Max FTP calculation? And NOT delete all my other Garmin account info?