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Sram Etap 11s sensor - Battery levels

Hi All,

I started to use Edge 530 (Fw 9.73) and Sram Red Etap sensor combo. Battery levels are always full charged, but batteries discharge in every run, of course.

I noticed in different FIT files that battery_status is always "new" on all four batteries (derailleurs and shifters). I tried to remove and add again the sensor (the sensor is added correctly everytime), but nothing changed. I saw other questions in this forum for this issue, but not a real solution yet. Anyone can help me?

  • This is to do with the way SRAM reports the battery status.

    For the front and rear batteries I think they use use a tri-state. 

    SRAM reports New then OK then Critical. Not sure what they do for the shfters.

    The ANT+ spec supports the following range

    new 1
    good 2
    ok 3
    low 4
    critical 5
    charging 6
    unknown 7
  • Thank you for your clarification aweatherall!

    But which is the solution for having the right indicators (it is always on full charge for the 4 batteries) on the Edge 530?

    Should I reset the Edge (and how?) or reset the Sram Red (and how?)

    Do you have other advices?

  • I might need to see some of the activity files where you know the batteries are low to get an idea. If that shows nothing we may need to enable logging of the ANT radio traffic.